9 min read

    So you want Database Versioning?

    Tim Sehn|

    Here at DoltHub, we've had a lot of success with our "So you want..." series of blog posts helping people find Dolt when they are looking for it. Dolt is a lot of things. Dolt is a version controlled database, a Git database, Git for data, data…

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Found 20 matching articles.
    5 min read

    Dolt Certs

    In my last blog I talked about a lot of aspects of taking your Dolt database to production. One of the things I mentioned was the importance of securing your database, but didn't cover the acquisition and deployment of SSL certificates. In th...

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    4 min read

    Mydumper Works with Dolt

    Dolt is a drop in-replacement for MySQL, which means it can be used with any MySQL-compatible tool. One such tool is Mydumper and its counterpart Myloader. Mydumper is a MySQL Logical Backup tool that emphasizes parallelism and performance. I...

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    13 min read

    Pull Request CI on DoltHub

    In November, we announced support for continuous integration (CI) testing on DoltHub , which lets users programmatically run checks on their databases. At the time of the announcement, these checks were limited to push events, but today we'...

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    6 min read

    MySQL-9.0, Dolt, and Caching SHA-2 Auth Support

    Lately, we've seen customers install the latest innovation release of MySQL (i.e. MySQL-9.0) and then have problems connecting to a Dolt SQL server due to MySQL-9.0 removing mysql_native_password auth support. In this post, we'll explain what...

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    23 min read

    A Tour of config.yaml

    Hot on the heels of my overview of Dolt configuration , I'm going to do a deep dive on config.yaml , the configuration file for a Dolt SQL Server. As I was writing the configuration overview, I realized our documentation on our main configurati...

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    6 min read

    Decentralized Wikipedia Update

    Dolt is a decentralized database . In the past ten years or so decentralization has gone through a few hype cycles. I think we're in a pro-decentralization hype period right now. Decentralization hype tracks the price of Bitcoin and last I checke...

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    8 min read

    Doltgres System Tables Update

    We've been hard at work getting Doltgres , a Postgres-flavored version of Dolt , ready for its beta release in Q1 . This includes making sure all the version control features you know and love from Dolt also work properly in a Postgres enviro...

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    15 min read

    What's Missing From Golang Generics?

    Last time, I discussed a specific design problem that I encountered while writing generic code in Go, and how I eventually solved it. I was proud that I had found a solution, although less proud that it wasn't the cleanest. ...

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    5 min read

    Dolt Configuration

    Dolt configuration is a bit of a mess. To start, it's a union of Git and MySQL styles of configuration. Then, Dolt specific configuration is sprinkled on top. It's been on our list for a long time to consolidate and rationalize Dolt configuration...

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    2 min read

    Dolt SSL Authentication

    Dolt is the world's first and only version controlled SQL database. Dolt is fully MySQL-compatible. You connect to it with any MySQL client. Some MySQL clients require connection authentication using Transport Layer Security (TLS) . TLS is ofte...

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    4 min read

    Workbenches are Better with a Version Controlled Database

    The Dolt Workbench is a modern, open-source SQL workbench that works with any MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible database, including version controlled databases like Dolt and DoltgreSQL . We think that the workbench experience is vastly impro...

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    8 min read

    Using Perl to Query Dolt Databases

    A couple of decades ago, as a brand-new CS grad just entering the world of big tech, I was given the Programming Perl book – also affectionately known as the "Camel Book". 🐪 I was told that I was now officially a Perl programmer and should lear...

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    9 min read

    Productionizing Dolt

    So you've been using Dolt for a while, and you are ready to take the next step and use it in production. Whether you are running your production environment on prem, or in the cloud, there are several steps you should take to ensure that your Dol...

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    6 min read

    History independence, what it is and why it matters

    Dolt is the world's first and only version-controlled SQL database. It's a SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a Git repository. Like files in Git, tables and other data in Dolt are content-addressed by a...

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  15. SQL
    5 min read

    Balancing Perf Trade-offs

    I ran into a performance trade-off last week attempting to improve long-running queries by changing the ways rows are structured. A more general row interface increases memory overhead but lets us skip encoding overhead. Unfortunately, joins create...

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  16. GOLANG
    11 min read

    Are Golang Generics Simple or Incomplete? A Design Study

    This comment on ycombinator lives rent-free in my head. Nothing before or since has captured my feelings on Go quite as succinctly. Take for instance, generics. Or its more precise name: parametric polymorp...

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    7 min read

    Designing CI on DoltHub

    We recently announced support for continuous integration (CI) testing on DoltHub . This is a feature we're excited about since it allows our users to programmatically test changes on their data, instead of relying solely on human review. Fo...

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    4 min read

    Dolt Pro Tips

    Dolt is the world's first and only version controlled SQL database . We've been iterating on the concept for over six years now . We're the world's experts in database version control. Along the way we've learned a few things. This article...

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    5 min read

    Postgres's missing quality of life features

    We are hard at work building Doltgres , the Postgres-compatible version of Dolt . Dolt is the world's first and only version-controlled SQL database and is MySQL compatible, and most of us at DoltHub are more familiar with MySQL than with Postg...

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  20. SQL
    14 min read

    JSON Showdown: Dolt vs Sqlite

    Dolt was created to be the world's first truly version controlled database . We think it does a great job at that. And in the process of making Dolt, we realized that the same data structures that make Dolt fast and efficient at version control a...

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