Reducing Yacc Latency by 80%

5 min read

Dolt is the first relational database that supports Git-like versioning. Dolt's content-addressed storage layer plugs into two wire layers, MySQL and now Postgres (DoltgreSQL).

While half of the team works on reaching 100% Postgres compatibility, I continue to chase perf. The topic of today's blog is our Yacc SQL parser.

Parsing is commonly thought to be an insignificant fraction of query time, but as we've made other parts of execution faster, it has crept up to 15% of our small queries:

select flame graph

Today's changes make parsing about 80% faster. On a linux server this translates to about ~30 microseconds of the smallest queries, and ~2% of larger queries with more involved AST structures. Here are a few notable standouts from the sysbench benchmarks:

benchmark before (ms) after (ms) latency Δ
oltp_point_select .30 .27 -10.%
select_random_ranges .70 .62 -11.4%
select_random_points .64 .61 -4.9%
oltp_read_write 11.65 11.24 -3.5%

The sysbench read averages are now nearing +40% slower than MySQL, and write averages -20% faster than MySQL.

TPC-C similarly sees about ~2% improvement on the average query, reflected in the 95% percentile tail latency (p95). Because the bulk of TPC-C queries are small selects and inserts, we've gained a 5% boost to the transaction throughput per second (TPS):

metric before after latency Δ
p95 (ms) 64.5 60.0 -6.95%
TPS 39.3 41.3 +5.07%


Lexing and parsing a query string are the first steps in query planning. Lexing splits a query string into sets of tokens, and parsing builds those tokens into a valid sentence in our SQL grammar as a typed abstract syntax tree (AST).

There are many ways to parse strings, and we will use that variety to better understand Yacc's bottlenecks.

Recursive descent parsers are state machines that make token-by-token decisions building ASTs from the root node downwards. The state machine below shows how recursive descent appends to the top-level Insert node moving through states. It is worth noting that the parser requires the current and next token to make decisions.

func (p *insertParser) insert() (*Insert, bool) {
	// INSERT into_table_name insert_data_alias

	nextId, nextTok := p.peek()
	if nextId != INSERT {
		return nil, false

	ins := new(Insert)
	var id int
	var tok []byte
	var ok = true
	for ok && nextId != 0 {
		id, tok = nextId, nextTok
		nextId, nextTok = p.peek()
		switch id {
		case INSERT:
			switch nextId {
			case INTO:
			case ID:
				ins.Table, ok = p.tableName()
				ok = false
		case INTO:
			ins.Table, ok = p.tableName()
			var values Values
			values, ok = p.tupleList()
			ins.Rows = &AliasedValues{Values: values}
			ok = false
		nextId, nextTok =
	if !ok {
		return nil, false
	return ins, true

The rest of the implementations are variations of left-recursive parsing. We still process through tokens from left to right. And we still need a lookahead token for decision making. But state transitions are inverted from top-down to bottom-up. The state machine now alternates between appending leaf tokens to a stack, and "reducing" the stack when the token sequence matches a pattern. "Reducing" is equivalent to a grammar rule, like root -> insert into_table_name insert_data_alias. The logs below show the tail end of a stack reducing an INSERT through the root state after all tokens have been shifted:

reduce stack: (46 *sqlparser.With) (111 string) (1059 sqlparser.Comments) (1596 string) (2403 sqlparser.TableName)(3228 *sqlparser.Insert) 
shift stack: (46 *sqlparser.With) (111 string) (1059 sqlparser.Comments) (1596 string) (2403 sqlparser.TableName) (3228 *sqlparser.Insert) (3599 sqlparser.AssignmentExprs) 
reduce stack: 
shift stack: (6 *sqlparser.Insert) 
reduce stack: 
shift stack: (2 *sqlparser.Insert) 
reduce stack: 
shift stack: (1 *sqlparser.Insert) 

Comparing Parsers

The chart below benchmarks ablation tests that help us understand where parsing time is spent.

parser impls

The difference between the first two bars, yacc@1.43.2 and yacc@insert+union (yi+union), simplifies the number of rules needed to reduce an insert statement, holding all other data structures equal. We label this "fewer rules" in the latency breakdown plot below.

Editing the union type used in the left-recursive parser stack is responsible for the change between yi+union and yi+malloc. The default union type is a 145-field, 2096 byte object that Yacc uses to safely type arguments and return values in reduction rules:

type yySymType struct {
	yys                      int
	empty                    struct{}
	statement                Statement
	selStmt                  SelectStatement
	ddl                      *DDL
	ddls                     []*DDL
    ins                      *Insert
    // 145 type fields

Each stack object only sets one type field, and the yacc@insert parser only needs ~10 types to parse an INSERT. We name this fraction of latency "duffcopy" in the breakdown below, which is how Golang's runtime copies arguments between memory and the stack to call reduction rules.

yacc@insert further removes the union type malloc calls, which were added back in the previous tests for consistency ("malloc").

Next, we assume the difference between a minimally left-recursive stack and recursive descent is the stack organization and jumps ("stack").

And finally, CPU profiles suggest most of the remaining portion of parsing is divided between lexing ("lexing") and field serialization ("strconv").

insert parsing latency


Rather than copying 2096 byte objects during reductions, we can use a Go interface{} as a union type:

type yySymType struct {
	yys   int
	val interface{}

An interface{} is roughly composed of two parts: an underlying type, and a ref to a heap object. This takes more stack space than a built-in type, and forces the object into the heap. But in return we get much smaller objects (40 bytes).

We wrote a conversion script that inputs our original Yacc file, and outputs a file with static type conversions for the common interface type.

The conversion looks something like below:

    $$ = Values{$1}
| tuple_list ',' tuple_or_empty
    $$ = append($1, $3)


    $$ = Values{$1.(ValTuple)}
| tuple_list ',' tuple_or_empty
    $$ = append($1.(Values), $3.(ValTuple))

The original compiler inserted static typed access (yyVAL = Values{yyDollar[1].ValTuple}), and now the conversion is a runtime cast (yyVAL = Values{yyDollar[1].val.(ValTuple)}). The tradeoff introduces opportunities for casting exceptions, which we have to add safety checks for.

The result is not as fast as recursive descent, but it is still pretty good! Here is a before/after parsing a small INSERT query on my laptop:

BenchmarkParser-12    	   64779	     18577 ns/op
BenchmarkParser-12    	  316268	      3322 ns/op

And similarly for parsing a SELECT query:

BenchmarkParser-12    	   64779	     18577 ns/op
BenchmarkParser-12    	  399688	      2822 ns/op

In the future we can potentially do better with recursive descending some query paths. But for now we've reclaimed 12% of the 15% of runtime we originally focused on. And even with recursive descent, it seems like we would bottom out at halving that 3% of remaining parse time.


We transitioned our Yacc parser from statically union typed stack objects to runtime-casted interface types. The change removes about 80% of parsing overhead. The effect is noticeable for small queries, but even longer running joins benefit from a ~2% latency improvement.

We are approaching in-memory read/write parity with MySQL, and look forward to publishing our next update!

If you have any questions about Dolt, databases, or Golang performance reach out to us on Twitter, Discord, and GitHub!



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