Debugging strange http.Response Read() behavior in Golang

8 min read

With Dolt, you can push and pull a local MySQL compatible database to and from a remote. Remotes can be managed with the dolt remote CLI command and it supports many types of remotes. You can use a separate directory as a Dolt remote, an s3 bucket, or any grpc service that implements the ChunkStoreService protocol buffer definition. remotesrv is Dolt's open-source implementation of ChunkStoreService. It also serves a simple HTTP file server that is used to transfer data between the remote and client.

Earlier this week we ran into an interesting issue related to the interaction between the Dolt CLI and remotesrv's HTTP file server. To fix it, it took an understanding of the HTTP/1.1 protocol and some digging in Golang source code. In this blog, we'll discuss how Golang's net/http package automatically sets the Transfer-Encoding header of a HTTP response and how that can change the behavior of http.Response.Body Read calls on the client side.

A weird Dolt CLI error

This investigation started from a report from a Dolt user. They had setup remotesrv to host their Dolt database and were using the Dolt CLI to pull upstream changes into a local clone. While push worked perfectly, pull seemed to make some progress then fail with a suspicious error:

throughput below minimum allowable

This particular error is suspicious since it reveals that the Dolt client failed to download data from remotesrv's HTTP file server at a minimum rate of 1024 bytes per second. Our initial assumption was that parallel downloads were causing some kind of congestion on the download path. We were wrong. It was revealed that this error was only occurring on large downloads, which are serialized, so congestion was unlikely. We dug a little deeper into how the throughput is being measured and found something surprising.

How we measured throughput

For some context, let's start with an overview of Golang's io.Reader interface. The interface allows you to Read bytes from some source into some buffer b:

func (T) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)

As part of its contract, it guarantees that it won't read more than len(b) bytes and that the number of bytes read into b is always returned as n. A particular Read call can return 0 bytes, 10 bytes, or even 134,232,001 bytes as long as b is large enough. If the reader runs out of out bytes to read, it returns an end-of-file (EOF) error that you can test for.

When you make a HTTP call in Golang using the net/http package, the response body is available as an io.Reader. You can use Read on the reader to retrieve the bytes of the body. With the contract of the io.Reader in mind, we know that we may retrieve anywhere from 0 bytes from the io.Reader to the entire body during any particular Read call.

During our investigation, we saw that downloads of 134,232,001 bytes were failing to meet our minimum throughput, but the reason why was not immediately apparent. Using Wireshark, we could see that data was being transferred fast enough and that it seemed like the issue was with how the Dolt CLI measured throughput.

Here's some pseudo-code that describes how the throughput is measured:

type measurement struct {
	N int
	T time.Time
type throughputReader struct {
	ms chan measurement
func (r throughputReader) Read(bs []byte) (int, error) {
	n, err := r.Reader.Read(bs) <- measurement{n, time.Now()}
	return n, err
func ReadNWithMinThroughput(r io.Reader, n int64, min_bps int64) ([]byte, error) {
	ms := make(chan measurement)
	defer close(ms)
	r = throughputReader{r, ms}
	bytes := make([]byte, n)
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case _, ok := <-ms:
				if !ok {
				// Add sample to a window of samples.
			case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
			// Calculate the throughput by selecting a window of samples,
			// summing the sampled bytes read, and dividing by the window length. If the
			// throughput is less than |min_bps|, cancel our context.
	_, err := io.ReadFull(r, bytes)
	return bytes, err

The above code reveals the culprit for our issue. Note that if a singular Read call takes a long time, no samples of throughput will arrive, and eventually our measurement code will report a throughput of 0 bytes and throw the error. This is further backed by the fact that small downloads completed, but larger downloads failed consistently.

But how do we prevent these large Reads and moreover what causes some reads to be large and others to be short?

Let's investigate this by dissecting how a HTTP response is built on the server and how it is parsed by the client.

Writing HTTP responses

In Golang, you use http.ResponseWriter to return data to the client. You can use the writer to write headers and also the body, but there is a lot of underlying logic that controls what headers are actually written and how the body is encoded.

For example, in the http file server we never set the Content-Type or Transfer-Encoding headers. We simply called Write once with a buffer that held the data we needed to return. But if we check the response headers with curl:

=> curl -sSL -D - http://localhost:8080/dolthub/test/53l5... -o /dev/null
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2022 01:21:28 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

We can see that both the Content-Type and Transfer-Encoding headers are set! Furthermore, Transfer-Encoding is set to chunked!

Here's a comment we found from net/http/server.go explaining this:

// The Life Of A Write is like this:
// Handler starts. No header has been sent. The handler can either
// write a header, or just start writing. Writing before sending a header
// sends an implicitly empty 200 OK header.
// If the handler didn't declare a Content-Length up front, we either
// go into chunking mode or, if the handler finishes running before
// the chunking buffer size, we compute a Content-Length and send that
// in the header instead.
// Likewise, if the handler didn't set a Content-Type, we sniff that
// from the initial chunk of output.

And this is an explanation of chunked transfer encoding from Wikipedia:

Chunked transfer encoding is a streaming data transfer mechanism available in version 1.1 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In chunked transfer encoding, the data stream is divided into a series of non-overlapping "chunks". The chunks are sent out and received independently of one another. No knowledge of the data stream outside the currently-being-processed chunk is necessary for both the sender and the receiver at any given time.

Each chunk is preceded by its size in bytes. The transmission ends when a zero-length chunk is received. The chunked keyword in the Transfer-Encoding header is used to indicate chunked transfer.

An early form of the chunked transfer encoding was proposed in 1994.[1] Chunked transfer encoding is not supported in HTTP/2, which provides its own mechanisms for data streaming.[2]

Reading HTTP responses

To read a http response's body, net/http provides Response.Body which as an io.Reader. It also has logic that hides the implementation details of HTTP. Regardless of what transfer encoding was used, the provided io.Reader returns only the bytes that were originally written in the request. It automatically "de-chunks" the chunked response.

We investigated this "de-chunking" in more detail to understand why this can cause a large Read.

Writing and reading chunks

If you look at the implementation of chunkedWriter you can see that every Write produces a new chunk regardless of its size:

// Write the contents of data as one chunk to Wire.
func (cw *chunkedWriter) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {

	// Don't send 0-length data. It looks like EOF for chunked encoding.
	if len(data) == 0 {
		return 0, nil

	if _, err = fmt.Fprintf(cw.Wire, "%x\r\n", len(data)); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if n, err = cw.Wire.Write(data); err != nil {
	if n != len(data) {
		err = io.ErrShortWrite
	if _, err = io.WriteString(cw.Wire, "\r\n"); err != nil {
	if bw, ok := cw.Wire.(*FlushAfterChunkWriter); ok {
		err = bw.Flush()

In remotesrv, we first loaded the requested data into a buffer and then called Write once. So we send 1 huge chunk over the wire.

In chunkedReader we see that its Read call will Read an entire chunk from the wire at a time:

func (cr *chunkedReader) Read(b []uint8) (n int, err error) {
	for cr.err == nil {
		if cr.checkEnd {
			if n > 0 && cr.r.Buffered() < 2 {
				// We have some data. Return early (per the io.Reader
				// contract) instead of potentially blocking while
				// reading more.
			if _, cr.err = io.ReadFull(cr.r, cr.buf[:2]); cr.err == nil {
				if string(cr.buf[:]) != "\r\n" {
					cr.err = errors.New("malformed chunked encoding")
			} else {
				if cr.err == io.EOF {
					cr.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
			cr.checkEnd = false
		if cr.n == 0 {
			if n > 0 && !cr.chunkHeaderAvailable() {
				// We've read enough. Don't potentially block
				// reading a new chunk header.
		if len(b) == 0 {
		rbuf := b
		if uint64(len(rbuf)) > cr.n {
			rbuf = rbuf[:cr.n]
		var n0 int
		Annotation by Dhruv:
		This Read call directly calls Read on |net.Conn| if |rbuf| is larger
		than the underlying |bufio.Reader|'s buffer size.
		n0, cr.err = cr.r.Read(rbuf)
		n += n0
		b = b[n0:]
		cr.n -= uint64(n0)
		// If we're at the end of a chunk, read the next two
		// bytes to verify they are "\r\n".
		if cr.n == 0 && cr.err == nil {
			cr.checkEnd = true
		} else if cr.err == io.EOF {
			cr.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
	return n, cr.err

Since every request from our HTTP file server is served and read as a single chunk, the return time for a Read call completely depends on the size of the requested data. In the cases where we downloaded a large range of data (134,232,001 bytes), those Read calls timed out consistently.

Fixing the issue

We had two potential solutions to fix this problem. We could produce smaller chunks by breaking up the http.ResponseWriter Write calls or we could explicitly set the Content-Length header which would bypass the chunk transfer encoding entirely.

We decided to break up the http.ResponseWriter Write calls by using io.Copy. io.Copy produces Write's that are at most 32 * 1024 (32,768) bytes. To use it, we refactored our code to provide the needed data as an io.Reader instead of a large buffer. Using io.Copy is an idiomatic pattern to pipe data between a io.Reader and io.Writer.

You can view the PR with these changes here.


In summary, we discovered that when writing a response, http.ResponseWriter will use chunked transfer encoding if no Content-Length is set and if the size of the write is larger than the chunking buffer size. And correspondingly, when we read a response, chunkReader will try to Read an entire chunk at a time from the underling net.Conn. Since remotesrv wrote a very large chunk, the Read calls on the Dolt CLI consistently took too long and caused the throughout error to be thrown. We fixed the issue by writing smaller chunks.

The net/http package and other Golang standard libraries are a pleasure to work with. It's easy to read the source since most of standard libraries are written in Go itself and can be viewed on Github. Although there was little documentation for the specific problem at hand, it only took one or two hours to dig to the root cause. I'm personally very excited to continue working on Dolt and deepen my knowledge of Go.

If you're excited about Go too and want to chat about any of the above, reach out to us on Discord!

Additional Reading



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