- REFERENCE9 min read
So you want Database Versioning?
Here at DoltHub, we've had a lot of success with our "So you want..." series of blog posts helping people find Dolt when they are looking for it. Dolt is a lot of things. Dolt is a version controlled database, a Git database, Git for data, data…
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Dolt for Beginners: Dolt Workbench
The Dolt for Beginners series focuses on topics people getting started with Dolt will likely be interested in. Most of our other blog articles go pretty deep so we want a space to talk about topics that experts may find boring. ...
Read More - REFERENCE9 min read
A Deep-Dive on Session-Aware GC
A few weeks ago, we announced the availability of automatic garbage collection in Dolt sql-server . This blog post is a quick follow up outlining some of the implementation challenges in automatic GC and how the collection and reference tracking…...
Read More - DOLTGRES5 min read
Doltgres Data Imports
Lately, we've been hard at work building Doltgres , our version-controlled Postgres-compatible database. Doltgres gives you the power of a SQL relational database, combined with the distributed version-control features of Git. Doltgres is current...
Read More - AI3 min read
A Pull-first Ollama Docker Image
Over the past few months, we've been experimenting more and more with AI tooling/technologies in an effort to find ways to extract some real value from them. I've recently announced the release of our robot-blogger tool, only to follow it up ...
Read More - USE CASE3 min read
Dolt for Video Game Development
We're at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) this week in San Francisco. Stop by our booth if you're reading this on the cable car on the way to the exhibition hall. Somewhat surprisingly, Dolt's biggest vertical is video game development. That...
Read More - USE CASEAI9 min read
Dolt for Agentic Workflows
Things are going pretty well here at DoltHub. Dolt , the world's first and only version controlled SQL database , is being used for a ton of use cases , the most popular of which are to version video game configuration or as a Machine Le...
Read More - GOLANG10 min read
Go import cycles: three strategies for how to deal with them, and a plea for a fourth
Everybody has their pet issues with their daily driver language. For Gophers, a lot of us complain about the verbosity of error handling. Me, I don't mind that so much. No, for me, my biggest complaint about th...
Read More - SQL11 min read
Introducing the Dolt Debug Command
DoltDB is a version controlled relational database built from the ground up. The storage format is novel. The execution engine is novel. Both are increasingly Postgres and MySQL compatible. And it is all open source and written in GoLang. ...
Read More - AI8 min read
How to Provision an EC2 GPU Host on AWS
AI is all the rage right now, and if you're like me, you're probably looking for quick and easy ways to try out this new technology yourself. There are some great ways to get started using AI locally on your own machine; I've personally been using ...
Announcing Dolt SQL Shell Pager Support
Dolt, the world's first SQL Database which can version control every revision of data within it, has a variety of ways to interact with it. One of which is our home grown SQL Shell, which is a terminal based interface to the database, similar to ...
Read More - REFERENCE8 min read
Dolt for Beginners: Branches
The Dolt for Beginners series focuses on topics people getting started with Dolt will likely be interested in. Most of our other blog articles go pretty deep so we want a space to talk about topics that experts may find boring. ...
Read More - GOLANG2 min read
Archiving the dolthub/swiss GitHub Repository
At DoltHub, we're building Dolt, the world's first SQL database that supports Git-like version control, including branch, merge, diff, clone, push and pull. Dolt is written in Go. Almost two years ago, my colleague Andy released an implementation...
The Dolt Workbench Now Ships With a Built-In Dolt Server
We’re excited to announce that the Dolt Workbench , a modern, open-source SQL workbench for MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible databases, now bundles Dolt servers directly within the desktop application. No more jumping between terminals and GUI — n...
Read More - 11 min read
MySQL Foreign Keys: How and why with examples
Foreign keys are a tool to make your SQL table data accurate and safe. In this tutorial, learn what a foreign key is, how to use them, and what they're good for. What's a foreign key? A foreign key is a way to declare that values in one ta...
Read More - AI13 min read
Robot Blogs Suck
Well, we tried. If you're unaware, my last few posts have been about learning RAG and building a tool called Robot Blogger to generate blog posts for our company. We were hoping to see some real improvements in the quality of the generated...
Read More - REFERENCE8 min read
Dolt for Beginners: Commits
The Dolt for Beginners series focuses on topics people getting started with Dolt will likely be interested in. Most of our other blog articles go pretty deep so we want a space to talk about topics that experts may find boring. ...
Read More - SQL6 min read
Coordinating Goroutine Listeners
We use Golang to build DoltDB , a version-controlled SQL database. In the process we frequently run into language peculiarities and trade-offs. The Go runtime thread manager makes many things possible, but also sometimes gives us too many options...
Read More - FEATURE RELEASE4 min read
Announcing automatic garbage collection in Dolt sql-server
At DoltHub, we are building Dolt is the world's first version-controlled SQL database, supporting operations like branch , diff , merge , rebase , and blame as well as interactions with remotes such as clone , push and fetch . Tod...
Read More - 13 min read
MySQL Secondary Indexes: How and why with examples
One of the most important concepts in SQL is the index. This tutorial will teach you what an index is, how to use it, and what it's good for. What's an index? An index is a way for a database to quickly locate a particular set of rows. Ind...
Read More - AI6 min read
Announcing DoltHub Robot Blogger
Today we're excited to share our open-source Robot Blogger tool 🤖! If you've not been following along, I wrote about my experience learning about RAG to get a robot blogger prototype working. Our goal was to build something that we could ...
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